• safe-change-hepa-housing

    Bag In/Bag Out

    Filter Housing

    Safe Change Air Filter Housing Unit

  • Description

    Product Overview


    The Bag In/Bag Out system is designed for use in any facility requiring optimum levels of safety and product integrity.

    Nuclear power plants and fuel processing facilities

    • Animal disease laboratories
    • Food facilities
    • Hospitals and other healthcare facilities
    • Electronics manufacturing (cleanrooms)
    • Toxic waste isolation plants
    • Industrial, research, and military facilities handling chemical, biological, radiological, or carcinogenic materials
    • Biomedical research and genetic engineering facilities
    • Pharmaceutical laboratories

    Operator remains protected and external environment remains clean while removing contaminants stopped inside the old filter (HEPA) wrapped and secured inside the bag and ready for disposal after the process…

    Allows working staff to change filter without getting in direct contact with contaminants (e.g. toxic powders, radioactive dust, viable organism, cancirogens…).



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    Allows working staff to change filter without getting in direct contact with contaminants (e.g. toxic powders, radioactive dust, viable organism, cancirogens…). Used filters are easily removed from the isolator structure wrapped inside a barrier material (containment bag) and external atmosphere remains uncontamined. Bag-in/bag-out filter replacing method can be available for filters with different shape and size.

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    The filter replacement is simple and reliable

    The filter is compacted by the quick pressure method, the steps of tightening the bolts are reduced, the operation in the bag is facilitated, and the compression reliability is ensured. Equipped with an auxiliary mobile device for easy filter replacement.

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    Pressure Gauge Protection System

    The pressure gauge protection system can be applied during the gauge is taking off for calibrition.

    Sterilization Available

    Dual DN50 valve is applied at the both sides of the housing when sterilization is taken.


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    Low Leak or Zero Leak Bubble-tight Damper

    This system can be applied to any rigid isolator. The bubble-tight low leak damper is available.

    High air volume or PTFE high strength filter, impact resistance, to prevent damage to the filter. Box filters have a maximum airflow of 4000 CMH and PTFE with a maximum efficiency of U16 (EN1822).

    The standard installation method of the BIBO cabinet is horizontal installation. You can Customize vertical installation or other installation methods.

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  • You may also need

    HEPA Filter

    Gel Seal

    Laminar Flow Hood


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